So what is racism, anyway?

Samar Pant
4 min readJun 25, 2020

So, apparently, being called a “Black cunt” is not racist. At least, that’s what Guy Ritchie would have you believe. (I am not a football fan, but I am guessing this idea was planted in his head by the ex-Chelsea defender, John Terry). As the character who simply goes by “Coach” (Terry, ironically, also happens to be a coach now) in his recent blockbuster, “The Gentlemen” points out to one of his boys, if you are black and also a “cunt”, there is nothing racist about putting both the words together when addressing you. In fact, the character explains, it’s all about the intentions. If something, no matter…



Samar Pant

White collar working bee with a passion for writing. Published author, amongst other things